Simulate individual-level effects by GLM
nind = 40,
ngenes = 1000,
ncausal = 5,
nreverse = 0,
ncovar.conf = 3,
ncovar.batch = 0,
ngenes.covar = ngenes,
num.mixtures = 1,
pve.1 = 0.3,
pve.c = 0.5,
pve.a = 0.5,
pve.r = 0,
rseed = 13,
exposure.type = c("binary", "continuous"),
smudge = 1
num of individuals
num of causal genes
num of anti-causal genes
num of confounding covariates
num of confounding batch variables
num of cell mixtures
variance of treatment/disease effect
variance of confounding effect
variance of confounders to the assignment
variance of reverse causation
random seed
"binary" or "continuous"
num of genes/features
num of genes affected by covariates